Our third day at the ranch was the day of Elaine's and John's birthday, but there was lots to do before the celebration got underway.

First, the gang drove up to Gus's cabin for a picnic.  (Teddy actually rode her bike up to the cabin — a trek that would have taken me several days of hard slogging.)

The food was good, the day was fine, the company was congenial.


Then it was time for a float down the Green River, which runs by the main houses of the ranch.  That's the “big house”, Teddy's house, in the picture below.  The structure to the left of it is the bunkhouse.  The moose are often seen sneaking down to the river for a drink.

                                                                                                                 [Photo by Corinne Chubb]

Boats and kayaks were driven upstream in a truck and launched there, so all the boaters had to do was float downstream.

                                                                                                                  [Photo by Corinne Chubb]

John brought along his fly rod and fished for trout but didn't catch anything.

                                                                                                                  [Photo by Corinne Chubb]

Halfway along the float we beached the boats on a sandy bank and some worked up the courage to swim in the icy stream.  I was not one of them.

                                                                                                                      [Photo by Cotty Chubb]

I remained, like a good boat, superficial, reluctant to get to the bottom of things.

                                                                                                              [Photo by Corinne Chubb]

A night of partying lay ahead, which would become the stuff of legend . . .