Some Thoughts on New Morning (1970)

LWF letter to Hugh 1970

At the time of this letter to Hugh McCarten in late 1970 Lloyd was living in his parents’ house in Exeter, NH. It would be another 18 months before moving to New York.

4 thoughts on “Some Thoughts on New Morning (1970)

  1. A remarkable and wonderful artifact!
    And Mary (then ‘Mary Cappleman’) drove up once, and listened to
    all of “New Morning” with Lloyd at the house in Exeter. She was rapt.
    Lest we forget, a fruitful period of residence inside a coal closet
    at Winthrop House was soon to begin, karmann ghia and all.

    • Was that your closet at Harvard, Paul? I’ve never been clear on that bit of Lloyd’s c.v..

      And it was a green MG-B, not a Karmann Ghia, no?

      • I want to say it was a coal closet off rooms inhabited by Vinny something-or-other and a nice SPS friend of Lloyd’s with a Greek-sounding last name. Lacrosse was in the air, too, I believe. That’s all I can summon up now, except for the fact that Lloyd became ‘David Humphreys’ (sp?) for a semester.
        Also, YES, it was a green MG, not a Karmann Ghia.
        Mary knew that!

        • One other memory from that period:
          During the coal closet phase, the soundtrack of which was “New Morning”, Lloyd encouraged me to bring Mary to see Godard’s “Wind from the East” with us. It was playing one night somewhere on the Yard.
          The movie upset her and we had to leave. She held me responsible for thinking she would like it. Lloyd called Mary two days later to apologize, because he felt responsible; and that made a lasting impression on her.
          He was upset that he had upset her.

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