
. . . of my book Fourteen Western Stories by Jan McClintock on her book blog We Need More Shelves:

The description from Amazon.com:

“Fourteen Western tales, by turns boisterous, bawdy, shocking, sentimental. They’re not for kids—there’s a fair amount of adult content here—but a treat for anyone else who likes old-fashioned stories with new twists and turns, written by someone who loves the West, past and present.”

That’s an excellent description of this little treasure of a collection. I found each of the stories well-written and interesting. The author did include some stereotypical characters, but he’s a screenwriter, after all, and fond of pulp fiction (wink). He added a new slant to some stories to keep things hopping. Definitely not for the squeamish or prudes.

Recommended for short-story lovers, those who like westerns, and anyone who falls in between.