
A collection of Christmas tales like no others — tales of the Old West and the New West, tales of faith and tales of doubt, of adventure and romance. Some are bawdy — there’s a fair amount of adult content here — some are sentimental . . . all deal with the miracle that is Christmas, and the timeless heritage of the American frontier.

I should add that they’re not Christmas stories for Christians, they’re Christmas stories for sinners, for desperados, for lost and bewildered souls like myself.  They show that the spirit of Christmas can find its way into the real world by the unlikeliest of trails, and turn up just when least expected.

As Amy Kendall, a nine year-old girl in my story “Noel”, says, “Christmas comes to both the wretched and the blessed” — and whichever you are I hope you’ll find a little Christmas for yourself in these tales.

Available now on Amazon at the special introductory price of $1.49 — for the Kindle or for the free Kindle Reading Apps you can download here, that work on almost computers and portable devices.

Click here to check it out — Christmas In the West

And a merry Western Christmas to you all!