The Los Angeles Times published a book review by my niece Nora, age 10, in their Kids' Reading Room section on 2 March.  (That's Nora in the green shirt, above, screaming on a roller coaster.)

Here's her review . . . of Edward Eager's The Time Garden, with the illustration she did to accompany the review:

The minute I looked at the
title I thought it was just another fairy tale, but boy, was I wrong!
This is a marvelous story. One sniff of the thyme and the magic begins.

Eliza, Ann, Roger and Jack find the Natterjack (a creature in a
frog's form) and run off on an amazing adventure through time and
space. They find out what really happened long ago and save people just
like them. Any boring day can be turned into an astounding journey if
they go into the garden. People of all ages, kid or adult, will want to
be in the magical adventures.

I love Edward Eager's books and have since I was a kid.  His Knight's Castle is one of my favorite books of all time.  I gave Nora her first Edward Eager book last summer, Half Magic, and now she's read them all.  You should, too.