took some pushing and shoving and tough talk from her backers in
Congress, but Hillary Clinton finally acknowledged that Barack Obama
had won the Democratic nomination for President.  Then she endorsed
him, plausibly and honorably in a speech that spoke to the historic
nature of both their candidacies.  I think one can say that nothing in
her campaign became her like the leaving it.  (Image above © Zina Saunders, with thanks to Potrzebie.)

Obama also got a different kind of endorsement from a different kind of icon.  In a recent interview Bob Dylan said:

you know right now America is in a state of upheaval. Poverty is demoralising. You can't expect people to have the virtue of
purity when they are poor. But we've got this guy out there now who is
redefining the nature of politics from the ground up…Barack Obama.
He's redefining what a politician is, so we'll have to see how things
play out. Am I hopeful? Yes, I'm hopeful that things might change. Some
things are going to have to. You
should always take the best from the past, leave the worst back there
and go forward into the future.

From the very tail end of this (with thanks to Cotty.)

As you probably know, Barack Obama will give his acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention on
the anniversary of the March On Washington and Martin Luther King's “I Have A Dream”
speech, in 1963.  As you may also know, Bob Dylan was there.  Check it out here:

Only A Pawn In Their Game

Awesome times, then and now.