Patty Giovenco is Hugh's wife.  She works as a therapist for developmentally challenged kids and is also a mad enthusiast of outdoor sports.  When she took her first trip in a kayak on the Green River last month, dipped her paddle in the stream and shot forward, she raised her hands in joy and shouted, “This is so much fun!”  Hugh shook his head philosophically and said, “Oh, dear . . . a new 'activity'.”

                                                                                                                            [Photo by Hugh McCarten]

Patty flew into Salt Lake City the day we all moved over to the ranch but couldn't get a one-way rental car to come join us, so Hugh drove his rental car down to fetch her.

Hugh was pulled over for speeding on the return trip but they still got back in time for a dinner at the main ranch house prepared for us by John's mom, a report on which follows.