For reasons beyond my control, I need to switch hosts for this blog.  The migration will involve considerable messiness — probably a bit of a gap in posting and a new look for the site.  Categories for older posts and my list of favorites sites will not move with the old content.  Old comments will move but the names of the authors of the comments will not.  I’m sorry about this and want to you to know that I appreciate each and every reader who has left a comment in the past, even though all those old comments will become anonymous on the new site.

It will undoubtedly take me a while to learn how to format the blog at its new host, and it may be somewhat chaotic, visually, until I do.

It will all sort itself out in time, I’m sure — meanwhile join me in a stiff Rum Coco and let the night of the iguana begin to spin out of control!

2 thoughts on “FLIP SIDE

    • Thanks, Tony. A forced migration to a new blog host, but I’m starting to get the new procedures figured out!

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