What a man looks like when’s just finished writing a 12,000-word novella, is drinking wine and listening to Bob Dylan’s Time Out Of Mind.

I’m going down the river,
Down to New Orleans.
They tell me everything is going to be all right
But I don’t know what all right even means.

And so it goes.

Click on the image to enlarge.

6 thoughts on “THE REMAINS OF THE DAY

    • Adrienne, not sure if it’s done yet — probably not. But close.

  1. And I’ve just been down that river, again.
    Hypnotic, delightful (and delicious), renewing,
    and put us all in mind of … thee.
    Saw a couple of “Swamp Hoydens”, too.

  2. Congratulations! And I also wanted to say that I’ve enjoyed viewing the blog over the last couple of months.

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