1. A very middle class girl in a very middle class room…listening to what is really very middle class music. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

    • Hardly middle-class music — too brilliant, too joyful, too timeless.

      • Beatles did not do anything that I would consider “middle class.” It was all varying degrees of good. Some are certainly better than others, but there is nothing there that feels lackluster.

        • Agree, Paul — very alive, very committed music, not qualities I associate with the middle-class, and I grew up in the middle-class. When the Beatles came along they seemed to blow my middle-class world to bits.

          • I have to say it was the same for all of us when we heard them. I wasn’t lucky enough to be around when it happened, but I was able to find it because of its resonance and the mythology that surrounds it.

          • Yes, Paul — they stay new. I had a young nephew once play me a song he’d just discovered, wondering if I’d ever heard it. It was “A Hard Day’s Night”.

      • All I’m saying is Give Peace a Chance ain’t exactly Masters of War, but lord knows what they would have put out if not for listening to The Freewheelin’ Bob Dyland in Paris in 1964, and at least attempting to do likewise.

        • Mozart ain’t exactly Wagner — doesn’t make Mozart middle-class.

          • My point, of course, is not merely that the Beatles are not Dylan, but that the nature of that difference demonstrates my point, but whatever floats your boat.

          • I just think your use of the term middle-class for anything that isn’t harsh or disturbing or challenging is questionable.

          • I don’t mean to restrict the term in that way. For example, Revolution is a very conservative song that seems to propose an “it’s gonna be all right” alternative to any radical institutional change that I would call classically middle class. But that’s just my crazy take.

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