
The wedding was over, we’d left Islesboro and were heading home, but we weren’t done with lobster — not quite yet. We decided to stop at Red’s Eats in Wiscasset, Maine and brave the long line there for what is reputed to be the best lobster roll in the world. You wouldn’t get any argument about that from me. A large hot dog roll is served up at Red’s with more lobster than a hot dog roll was ever meant to hold — there’s more than one lobster involved.

It’s served with melted butter to pour over it and is astonishing.

We’d meant to stop at Red’s on the way up to Islesboro but a hellacious traffic jam in Wiscasset threatened to make us miss our reservation on the ferry to the island, so we crept by the legendary stand wistfully.  Now we had a goodly measure of redemption.

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