
One of the joys of taking a southern route across America is that you run into a lot of Whataburgers along the way. Anna and I found this one in Amarillo, Texas. I’m not sure Anna found her Whataburger as impressive as I found mine — to me, any fast-food burger served with jalapeños on it is a treat.

By Amarillo we were in fast-travel mode. Anna, who has been a classroom English teacher in public schools for many years, has now gotten into the online tutoring of students with reading problems.  She was able to carry on this work, which involves assigning and grading papers and online conferences with other teachers, on the road, in motels and even in the car.  Motel wi-fi and a hot-spot service on her computer kept her plugged in everywhere.  It’s sort of amazing, but was a bit stressful, too, doing it on the run.

So we hauled ass after New Orleans, so she could fly home and work in peace — but we still had one more adventure ahead.