. . . for yestreen in my sleep.

Behind the mask of reserve, the Scots are a fierce and passionate people, but that aspect of the Scottish soul ends abruptly where hardheaded self-interest begins.  Sean Connery, a fierce and passionate advocate of Scottish independence, did not return to Scotland to campaign for it because returning might have jeopardized his status as a tax exile from his native land.  In other words, it might have cost him money.


That attitude carried the day in the vote for Scottish independence this week.  “I’ve got mine,” Connery said in effect — “Won’t be risking any of it for yours.”

George Washington, by contrast, one of the richest men in North America, risked hanging to lead the fight for American independence.  This spirit no longer exists in Scotland in regards to independence, and the fact is really neither here nor there.  It’s just the way things are up north.

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The Scots prefer a fierce and passionate longing for what might have been to risking all for change.  They have long since sent their real rebels, like Patrick Henry (above), to America — we honor them, and wish their yestreen countrymen all the best.  Independence has a price, and we shouldn’t expect everyone to be willing to pay it — should care not what course others may take.

7 thoughts on “OH, WELL MAY I WEEP

  1. I like the painting of Henry with his specs on his head. I remember being astonished to see a pair of Washington’s folding sunglasses on display at Mount Vernon many years ago. One never thinks of eighteenth century men, let alone the Father of Our Country, wearing shades.

  2. They had enough sense to reject the North Sea oil funded welfare state nirvana fantasy Salmon was selling, and to reject the class-baiting, and the Braveheart bullshit, and the ‘blame the English snobs for everything in life that pisses you off’ mentality. Well, maybe not…. I’m sure even the ‘No’ voters are hanging on to that last one!

    • I do feel sorry for the young people of Scotland, who voted so overwhelmingly in favor of a future their grannies saw fit to deny them.

      • Interestingly, 52% of 18 to 24 year olds also voted no to independence, so it’s not a simple old vs. young thing, although the under 18s and the over 65s were on opposite sides by overwhelming percentages.

        • Right — and the problems of independence would have been such that it wouldn’t have made sense unless a very large majority across the board wanted it.

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