This boring postcard is from a Flickr set by Funhouse, who always puts up wonderful images.

The boring postcards in the set are not really boring, they just record unexceptional things, things you wouldn't look at twice if you saw them in real life — so in a way they're the most interesting things you could possibly look at, because they're normally invisible, and thus magically exposed by having a frame put around them.

The photographs of William Eggleston work on this same principle.

                                                                                     © William Eggleston

Also, any view of a past place and time slowly accrues enchantment, to the degree that it records unrecoverable things.  Atget's photographic views of Paris are more miraculous now than they were when he first made them because the Paris he recorded is gone.

The bridge in the fishing scene above reminds me of the bridge that went over to the barrier island in North Carolina where I spent my childhood summers.  In childhood, bridges were never boring, especially when they took you to your grandmother's beach house.  To see any bridge, and especially such a bridge, as boring is to confront the general suppression of wonder that's part of the process of “growing up”.

Art like Eggleston's, and boring postcards like the one above, are bridges back to wonderland.