On our second night at the ranch, Elaine and John provided an awesome catered dinner at their house for the assembled multitudes.  (The assembling hadn't finished yet, either — there were more family members and local friends still to come.)  Afterwards, the musicians set up in the big living room for some equally awesome entertainment.  David Horgan got his pedal-steel going, adding immeasurably to the ensemble.

                                                                                                                                  [Photo by Eli Dokson]

Cotty, with crucial technical assistance from his daughter Corinne and John's son Will, had managed to mike the guys in order to record the proceedings on GarageBand, so I can share one of the performances with you:


This is J. B.'s new country waltz, played earlier at the hootenanny in Jackson and tailor-made for a pedal-steel accompaniment.  The lads join in sweetly with back-up vocals.  This is music that sounds like music, made by real people in a real place.  In this day and age, you can forget what that sounds like.