My first novel Bloodbath is now live in the Kindle Store on Amazon, which means that if you’ve got 99 cents to spare you can buy it at the link below:


You don’t need a Kindle to read it — there are free Kindle reading apps for most computers and portable devices which you can download here:

Kindle Reading Apps

If you do own a Kindle and you’re a member of Amazon Prime you can download the book FREE for the next three months.

As for the book . . .

A neo-noir pulp thriller — short, violent, dirty and cheap.  Tim Holt is a battle-scarred vet, now a soldier of fortune working the darker byways of Latin America in 1954.  When a job in Guatemala goes way wrong he’s thrown together with a beautiful young woman who, like him, is bent on revenge — but the cost of it is going to be higher than either of them could possibly imagine.

“A seriously done and well done pulp novel — it’s a good read.” — Charles Ardai, founder and editor of Hard Case Crime

Included is a preview of the second Tim Holt adventure, Blowing Cool, due out this fall.


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