
There has long been a theory that his first wife Polly Platt was the creative genius behind Peter Bogdanovich.  It’s based on the fact that after he stopped working with her, a few years after they separated, Bogdanovich’s career went into a precipitous decline from which it never quite recovered

Platt encouraged Bogdanovich to film Larry McMurtry’s novel The Last Picture Show.  There have been rumors that she worked closely with McMurtry and Bogdanovich, uncredited, on the screenplay and played a decisive creative role on the set.  The actor Ben Johnson said she virtually co-directed the film.  She certainly designed the film, her credited role, with impeccable authenticity and taste.


Bogdanovich was a fine filmmaker, but It was Platt’s critical evaluation of material, and the ways to approach it, that seemed to keep Bogdanovich on course in the years of his success, and whose absence left him a bit adrift after Platt moved on.

Platt (pictured above with Bogdanovich) described their creative partnership this way — “He’s the locomotive, I’m the tracks.”  Bogdanovich’s career after Paper Moon, the last film he worked on with Platt, can be fairly described as a locomotive that’s gone off the tracks.


In any case, The Last Picture Show is a genuine masterpiece, wonderfully cast and brilliantly shot.  Though Timothy Bottoms (above) carries the film as its principal character, our window onto the tale, the heart of it is Ben Johnson’s powerful performance as Sam the Lion, for which he won an Academy Award as Best Supporting Actor.

JohnsonLastPicture Show

The film is about the passing of time, the dying out of a small Texas town, and Sam the Lion (above) personifies what’s being lost in the process, the old breed of Texan whose world is vanishing.  Without Johnson’s character, we wouldn’t have quite the same sense of what’s at stake in the film’s mournful, bittersweet parade of longing and disappointment and heartache.  Johnson gives the film an epic dimension, elevates it into the highest ranks of American cinema.

5 thoughts on “THE LAST PICTURE SHOW

  1. Fascinating posting. I think the question of other people’s contributions to an artist’s work is always fascinating. What do you think Polly Platt got from Peter?

    • Excellent question, Polly. What I suspect he gave her was a strong hand in the process of directing films without having to put herself in the hot seat a director occupies, which she may not have had the temperament or ego for. Platt went on to to become, on her own, a respected writer and producer, and a kind of mentor to all sorts of people, but never tried her hand at directing, something she would seem to have had the qualifications for. The Platt-Bogdanovich partnership was kind of ideal for both of them — a director of enormous talent (and immense ego) and a collaborator who helped him channel those things into great work. He seemed to lose his artistic bearings without her, especially in the area of choosing projects.

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